Dr. Brian King D.C

Chiropractic Care in Salida, Buena Vista & Leadville, Colorado

Dr. Brian and Kevin use a holistic approach with their patients.  They identify disturbances or disruption to normal function and direct their therapeutic approach to reduce those states of dysfunction to help their patients return to an improved state of health and wellness.

Dr. Brian King D.C

Dr. Brian King has been serving the communities of Buena Vista and Salida since 1999 (Longest serving chiropractor in the county). He and his wife Trish are raising three wonderful children. When not working, Dr. Brian is an active member of his church and especially enjoys helping with the middle school youth group. He feels a strong responsibility to give back to the community and supports several non-profits that help to make our community so wonderful.

Dr. Brian enjoys many outdoor activities including skiing, trail running, hiking, mountain biking and fishing.

Dr. Brian King D.C