Dr. Kevin King D.C.

Chiropractic Care in Salida, Buena Vista & Leadville, Colorado

Dr. Brian and Kevin use a holistic approach with their patients.  They identify disturbances or disruption to normal function and direct their therapeutic approach to reduce those states of dysfunction to help their patients return to an improved state of health and wellness.

Dr. Kevin King D.C.

Dr. Kevin has been serving the communities of Leadville and Buena Vista since 2006.  He and his wife Amy are raising 3 kids. While busy with King Chiropractic, he does find time to spend hiking, camping, ski coaching, and spending time outside with his family.

Dr. Kevin continues to keep current with his profession and has certifications in Dry Needling, and is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP)

Dr. Kevin King D.C.